Friday, March 04, 2005

we even went horseback riding in the mountains of argentina at night under the light of the full moon until 3 in the morning! Posted by Hello

Mendoza, Argentina

ken and i decided to go to argentina for the weekend. a short 6 hour trip through the andes, we arrived in mendoza, argentina. it was probably one of the most fun weekends here =) we went horseback riding at night in the mountains of argentina under the moonlight since it was full moon while we were there. it was really fun even though i got the wacked out horse who only wanted to eat everything on the path. by the time we finished at 2:30 in the morning, we had a campfire, ate with the people on the trip, and just hung out. on the way home, our car even ran out of gas so i wasnt until 5 in the morning that we finally made it home. we only had 2 hours to sleep since we had to be up and ready at 8:30 am to go rafting. so much fun =) we went river rafting in argentina for ken's 24th bday and then hidro which is kinda like boogieboarding. it was awesome on those class III rapids!!! made me want to try back at home .. haha. besides that, we ate so much while in mendoza .. huge steaks, drinks, soup, dessert, and more for a total of less than $10 for the both of us. yum. fun weekend for sure.

me doing hidro with my guide .. me and ken even had our own private guide Posted by Hello

we also did hidro in the river .. kinda like boogieboarding down the river .. it was awesome and so much better than rafting. Posted by Hello

for ken's 24th birthday we decided to go to mendoza, argentina for the weekend .. what a memorable bday =) Posted by Hello

ken and i went river rafting in argentina .. look at our raft!!! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

futbol game

Universidad de Chile vs. Quilmes. 35000 people showed up for the copa liberadores game against argentina. it was so CRAZY. when you think of south america futbol .. its that times ten. the riot police were decked out and ready .. tear gas and all .. they even had to break into the stands to stop a fight that broke out. another fight broke out higher up and i definitely saw a broom stick thrown around. we ended up winning in the 91st minute so the crowd went insane! the guy next to us lit a flare and some guy even picked up my brother swinging him around. the fans shot off fireworks when we scored and a firework even went off incorrectly in the stands. it was weird but understandable that no women go to the games since its pretty dangerous and i saw one guy with a broken arm. however the game was AWESOME. =) i wish we had games like that back at home .. so much enthusiasm .. tons of banners .. flags .. everyone knows all of the team songs and chants.

On TV and Valparaiso

Vina del mar was pretty awesome. we got amazing seats thanks to the Bings and since we were right infront of all of the media, we got onto national tv multiple times! journalists even took pictures of some of my friends dancing in the aisles and interviewed others. my chilean mom even saw me on tv several times back at home! ken came to visit me for the week and we had an awesome week cramming in as much as we possibly could. we came back out for vina on sunday night and sat in the gallery with all of the "people." i'd have to say it was a lot more fun .. someone even lit a tissuepaper latern which was cool at first until it lit itself on fire and chunks of fire started falling on the crowd. vina was pretty awesome though .. it was basically like going to the grammy's. the next day we went to Valparaiso which is a small port town right next to Vina and walked around the city checking out the ascensors (elevators) used throughout the town and the local plazas. there is even a picture of ken in front of the many colorful houses that fill the hills of Valparaiso.

the riot police were ready for us .. tear gas and all ..  Posted by Hello

the crowd was crazy .. they lit flares in the stands and set fireworks off whenever U of Chile scored. Posted by Hello

Me and Ken at a Copa tournament .. 35000 people showed up for Universidad de Chile .. it was absolutely INSANE!!! Posted by Hello

Ken came to visit me for the week! Here's ken overlooking the cool colorful houses of Valparaiso .. a small city next to Vina del Mar Posted by Hello

dave, me, colleen, regan, and brian at the concert  Posted by Hello

Vina del Mar concert .. the largest music concert in Chile .. it was awesome .. kinda like the grammy's for latinamerica Posted by Hello