Tuesday, January 11, 2005

some chile education

Some interesting things that I’ve learned about Chile:
1. I wondered why the bus drivers drive SO crazily and especially in the evening. Apparently, the bus drivers do not have a fixed pay, but are paid by the number of tickets they sell daily. That explains why they basically race each other to get to the next stop.
2. it is very politically divided here so when literally EVERYONE goes to the beach for vacation during the summer months, they vacation at places where Chileans with the same political view vacation.
3. divorce wasn’t even possible until a few months ago. Before that, basically everyone built in a loophole to the system by intentionally making an error on their marriage certificate so that if they later decided they wanted a divorce, they could annul their marriage claiming the certificate had an error and was not valid.
4. if you are registered to vote, you HAVE to vote or else you are fined. That’s why they have 97% turnout and their polls are even segregated by gender.
5. alcohol sales are prohibited on election day.


At January 11, 2005 at 9:57 PM, Blogger Trina said...

Hi Cheri!
Thanks for sharing your blog with us. I really enjoy reading it. It'll be nice to be able to keep up you and all of your adventures. hope you continue to have a great time!


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